You Are Worth It!

Many times in life we have setbacks we have things that are spoken to us and it brings us down, it belittles us, it degrades us, it makes us feel worthless, but; today I wanted to let you know that you are worth everything to Christ. I don’t know who this is for what but you’re feeling down. You feel like things aren’t going the way that it should, you feel like you’ve been in this place to long, you’re feeling like you’re having to do everything by yourself, you’re feeling like you’re going to be here forever I’m not going to get out. Oh but God wants you to know that the place that you feel like you’re in right now, you will be coming out soon. So, don’t feel worthless, don’t feel useless, don’t feel like you can’t do this because you can you, you will, you shall. You’re not worthless. You are worth something. Worth something enough when Christ died for you on the cross. A song simply states that “you thought I was worth saving” and that’s enough right there to realize that no matter what situation you might be going through, no matter how you feel, you are worth it. He fought the ultimate fight and He died the ultimate death for you. Just know you are worth it!